Well, mostly I've just been busy! Busy doing what, you ask? Well, a large chunk of time has been spent driving back and forth from Brandon to hang out with my fabulous boyfriend, Ben. He's wonderful. We've been dating for a little over 3 months now. We met swing dancing back in May. (About a week before my last post, actually) Did I mention that he's wonderful? If you would like more information, you know where to find me. I've also been told that I needed to attach some pictures. So, I am attaching some pictures!

Our first Date (skirt courtesy of Patty Tidwell)

"Don't try this at home, folks"

From last weekend
And, in other news, I finally have a new computer. And yes, it is a Macbook, which means that it actually works. (Unlike my Dell, which no longer knows that it has a hard drive and took all of it's information to the grave with it.) This means that I should be able to post a bit more often!
This just in! Breaking news! (Did that sound exciting?) I also have a new job. I am now the receptionist at Trinity Presbyterian Church! Which means that I should probably get back to work.