My day starts early since Ben has to leave for work by around 5:45. Every morning starts the same way:

Start the kettle so that I can fix Ben some hearty oatmeal.

Hearty oatmeal
(Note the early time. They really do have one of those in the morning too!)

Make sandwiches for Ben's lunch.

Pack lunch.
Then Ben makes his way out into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Holly-dog has to make sure that no oatmeal gets on the floor.
Ben leaves for work and Holly-dog and I go back to bed for a little while. I know. I keep saying that I'm going to try to stay up after Ben leaves for work, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm really hoping that now I'm getting a good night's sleep on our new bed (thank you, Ikea! LOVING this thing!), I will be able to do it. Monday is the day. I can feel it.
6:45 rolls around and I get up and start getting myself ready for work. Lately, it has been so hot that my hair ends up in these:

Re-purposed matchbox from my favorite curly-haired Italian.
I feed the Holly-dog:

Then it's off to work!

Trinity Presbyterian Church, I'm the Administrative Assistant.
Desk essentials:

Water and coffee (cup from Monogram Chick)
Looking in:

(Don't be confused by the Windows toolbar down there. Just running Parallels on the Mac so that I can open all of the Publisher docs that some of our staff still use.)
Looking out:

Hard at work, I'm sure.
No, really. This is what I've been working on:

The August edition of the Trinity Newsletter was mailed out on Tuesday afternoon and I just finished up the Worship Folder draft Wednesday afternoon when I took this pic.
At lunch I run home, take out the Holly-dog, and grab some lunch.

She's just too darn cute! Wish I could have her with me at work!
Wednesday night means Worship Team rehearsal:

Some of the music we're working on. For a list of all the songs that we do in Worship right now click here.
Last night I had to run to the store after rehearsal. I love my Publix supermarket.

Trying to remember to be green.
I came home to find Ben working on a tool review for a friend of ours. Pretty nice deal, actually. Ben gets some tools for work and in exchange writes the review. Holly apparently thought that the box that the tools came in was supposed to be used as a platform for her to reach the bed:

Again, could she get any cuter?
I finished up the day by doing some laundry so that Ben had clothes to wear to work:

Then I did the dishes and got coffee ready for the morning:

After that we headed to bed (in our NEW BED!) to get a good night's sleep so that we could start all over again in the morning!
It's not a very exciting life, but it's our life and I'm thankful for what God has for me right now. I need to remember that when I feel like I'm not doing a lot or that I'm not making a huge difference in the world. I'm doing the work that God has called me to right now. If I'm glorifying Him in what I'm doing, I AM making a difference, great or small.

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