Shirt: Bealls Outlet a while ago (Swing dancing shirt)
Pants: New York & Co
Necklace: Target
Belt: Bealls Outlet
Shoes: Nine West (my sassy shoes!)
Shirt: Bealls Outlet a while ago (Swing dancing shirt)
Pants: New York & Co
Necklace: Target
Belt: Bealls Outlet
Shoes: Nine West (my sassy shoes!)

Work: blah day
Shirt: from a garage sale
Skirt: Ann Taylor Loft
Necklace: JanMary Designs
Shoes: Character shoes

Work: Casual Friday
Shirt: Trinity Pres. polo
Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft
Necklace: Kohls
Shoes: Nike

Lunch/Sewing Tutorial with my mom & aunt Donna
Shirt: Marshalls (Funkadelic)
Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: JanMary Designs
Forgot to take a picture, but check below at today's picture to see what I wore to church (as well as work on Wednesday).
Repeat outfit from a few weeks ago that got completely soaked in the downpour that we had on Monday. No fun.

Shirt: Target
Skirt: Old Navy
Necklace: New York & Co
Shoes: Target

Shirt: Charlotte Russe
Pants: Marshalls
Belt: Bealls Outlet
Necklace: New York & Co
Shoes: Target
and of course, Dr. Pepper, thanks to Kim of yellow songbird who HAD to mention it.
Spring has definitely arrived here in Florida, as you can tell by the lack of sleeves and length of pants!